Using 15 Habits Of Persistent People To Help You Develop Persistence

Apr 03, 2022

As we mentioned in the last blog, we did a survey to learn how we can develop persistence as a skill. We gathered their valuable advice and made a list for you. You can print it out and hang it at your desk, dresser, or bathroom mirror.

Go through the list and pick one habit that sticks out to you the most. Make a point to incorporate it into your daily life.

Once you’ve gotten good at that, pick another one. Repeat with all the other ones until they become almost second nature.

Here are the 15 most common habits of highly persistent people.

  1. Decide what you want your purpose in life to be. Develop a plan and work towards it.
  2. Divide it up into short-term goals that are either daily and/or weekly. Set target dates.
  3. Learn the fine art of persuasion and effective communication.
  4. Improve your critical thinking.
  5. Work hard and take actionable steps.
  6. Give yourself mini rewards for each goal you accomplish.
  7. Get ready for pushbacks and obstacles.
  8. Stay committed to your purpose.
  9. Open yourself up to constructive criticism.
  10. Fire up your tenacity and optimism.
  11. Assess and analyze. Then re-assess and re-analyze again.
  12. Maintain a sense of discipline by focusing on the big picture.
  13. Never pass up the opportunity to learn.
  14. Surround yourself with people who support and motivate you.
  15. Plan some downtime to renew your passion and enthusiasm. Then start again.

Keep meditating every day. This powerful self-regulation tool will give you the inner strength you need to win and make your dreams come true.

Make it Shine and Be Your Best.