Over the past 20 years I wanted to find an antidote to heal myself from fear and anxiety, to heal my father, my family. I also wanted to forget about the traumas of my past, to learn how to forgive, and to end suffering, pain, and poverty from my life, my family, my country, and my brothers and sisters in the whole world.

I always saw myself as a citizenship of heaven on earth because I could understand that if I was made as a Miracle of Love, how could we be living in a world of pain? And that's when I didn't conform with the status quo of the world, and as an investigative journalist, I started my own research institute.

I wanted to find the cure to eliminate the pain of fear installed in the mind of humankind. And I can tell, that after 30 years of investigation I found it. Or better: It found me.

When I was a little girl, I was always treated as the little princess of the family. My father was successful, and he did everything he could to give us the best in life. My mom was a lovely woman. She was the glue of the family and always prepared surprises for me and my brother. We were a fun family, as a traditional Brazilian family surrounded by music, barbecue, brigadeiros, and happiness. And I always used to feel loved, rich, and very cared for all my family.

However, like a Walt Disney movie, my fairy tale had a terrible episode.

When I was only five years old, my heart was broken when I saw my father arriving home sick, without hair and with a big bandage on his head. I wondered what had happened, but I was too young to understand what was going on. I just knew that my father was sick and fragile, and I wanted my superhero back. Years later, I discovered that my father had a brain cancer. 

Thanks God, the brain tumour was benign, but it didn’t stop him from having crises of epilepsy and becoming in survival mode. My happy home suddenly became a sad place to live, with everyone too busy to be with me and my brother, and with the years we lost our financial status, which caused me lots of shame and separation during my teens. 

Life was not easy, but thanks to God, He show me how to transform my wounds into forgiveness and eyes of compassion. I wanted to heal my father, to discover a way to help him to come back to his best and also... to heal my heart. I wanted my lovely, fun, happy, healthy and wealthy family back again in my life.

When I discovered the art of meditation, that allowed me to be more in touch with my soul and the Holy Spirit. I found a passion that drove me to help people's lives and change the world.

Meditation alone was not enough to achieve the highest of all vibrations and  frequencies for me to manifest the life I love. I discovered that It was missing one and only one important part of my puzzle of life: My Saviour.

And my saviour was not any prince from the fairy tales, neither the wealth I was working for, for so many years.

My Saviour was the only Saviour that exists, and it will always exists for all eternity. 

My Saviour is the same Saviour as yours. And His name is Jesus Christ. If you still don't know the real story about Jesus, as I also didn't know until I was 44 years old, your life will never be the same once you surrender your life for His love. By coming from Catholic Religion in Brazil, where I learned to fear the suffering of Christ, without understanding that He died at the Cross to save our lives, I was losing so much in my life because of lack of information.

If you are like me that received the wrong information about Jesus, it's time for you to know the truth. Regardless of your religious-cultural-social-educational-family-financial codes... there is only ONE GOD, and Jesus is the missing key that will open the doors of heaven on earth for you.

I found real healing for my fears, anxiety, and the pain of my traumas, after I surrendered my life to Jesus. I found the healing I was looking for, not only for myself, but for my whole family. I give thanks to the Lord, who answers the prayers that I pray with all my heart, mind, body, and soul.

I know you also have the traumas of your past, and may be experiencing lots of pain right now. I am here to help you to surrender your life to Jesus,  so He can operate His miracles in your life. He is the Master for all of us!

It's like I am inviting you to meet the best Coach that I ever met in my whole life. And He has the manual about you, and also the best plan for your life.

Change Direction. Change from war to love, from pain to joy, from misery to freedom. After all, as the Bible tell us in James 4:7 " Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you". My mom died when I was 26. And in these last years, God has been training me to become the Mighty Queen I am here to be to honour His name, that has the name above all names. There is a new name written down in glory and it's mine: Cristiane Silveira Atique.

MRS JOY represents the Joy of the Lord that is what a real Father wants all His children to feel. Every father wants their kids to be happy. And it's the same with our Father God. If you want to find true love, strengthen your relationship with your real King: Jesus Christ.

I will reveal all my magic secrets for you to unleash the powers of the Holy Spirit inside of you. Let's Sing. Let's Dance. Let's Praise our Savior. Your life will never be the same.

Welcome to God's World.

Surrender your life to Reborn in Jesus Name.

Let your spiritual adventure begin.

Lots of Love,



I am a passionate social entrepreneur, journalist and international life coach founder of Joyful Minds - online training specialized in meditation and mindfulness, based in behavioural cognitive and neuroscience . Everything to empower Youth with emotional and mental health to thrive in life. And more than that: to inspire them to bring their gifts to the world.

I love to travel and discover the world. I have double citizenship from Brazil and Portugal and nowadays I live in Broome – Western Australia, which I call BRHoome, my Brazilian-Aussie Home, as it has the perfect tropical weather during the whole year!

In the last two decades, I travelled around the world to find these answers: What am I doing here? What is my mission? What is my purpose in this life?

And because I had the courage to overcome my fears and follow the voice of the Holy Spirit inside of me, He gave me a completely new life to glorify His name. I am a living proof that God is real. And He is so good, so loving and so amazing. He gave me the gift to keep travelling and the honour to study with the greatest humanitarian leaders in the world to find the answers that I was looking for. And in this new ReBorn, God gave me the gift of singing and composing songs. In the beginning,  didn't know what to do with it, but I learned to follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit, and after 15 years in this amazing journey, God has been revealing His amazing plan for my life.

If you also have big dreams that God planted in your heart, like I have too, follow them and TRUST in the LORD with all your heart. He tells you there in the deep that you are here for something greater. And indeed, you are. Remember that you are a Child of God, and He loves you unconditionally. He will give you a new life with people that are loving, kind and that truly care for you. Believe in your dreams, and make them come true. When you don't know where to go  or what to do read these scriptures from the Bible:

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the ones who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened". (Matthew 7:7-8)

Jesus said: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". (John 14:6)

"A new command I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another". (John 13:34)

God gave me the blessing of studying Meditation and Mindfulness with the Spiritual teacher and Humanitarian Leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. I worked as volunteer of his foundation ‘The Art Of Living’ for five years and I also became part of his band, singing for thousands of people.

Meditation brought me closer to the Holy Spirit, and made my heart overflow with songs of love and gratitude.

I also graduated in Yoga,
Meditation, and Mindfulness in 2011,

with our amazing Brazilian
Spiritual Teacher Marco Schultz.

Marco Schultz was also one of my great inspirations to start composing songs with my harmonium and guitar. It was the beginning of flourishing the gifts of my soul.



I had the honor to participate: in Silent Retreats with the Zen Buddhist Coen Monk; in courses & Satsang with Prem Baba; in the conference with Dalai Lama in Brazil; and to have Deepak Chopra as my first spiritual teacher when I was teenager, thanks to his best seller book The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success.

Beside the meditation and mindfulness field, I also studied Quantum Physics with the famous Amit Goswami and Bio Energy with Dr Masaru Emoto. Both became famous worldwide with the movie What The Bleep Do We Know?

In 2014 I was introduced to the Oneness University from Amma & Bhagavan and I became official Deeksha Giver emanating the healing energy through my voice and songs.

Neuroscience was also part of my journey, having Dr Bruce Lipton and Dr Joe Dispenza, as my great masters in this field.

I also worked for 3 years with the Hoffman Institute, after my retreat in 2008, having Heloisa Capelas – the Director of The Hoffman Institute in Brazil, as my first life-coach, which I will always be extremely grateful for her teachings.



Since January 2012, I am graduated as Life & Executive Coach by the International Association of Coaching Institutes and SLAC. I also had the honor to have the American Icon Mary Morrisey as my personal Life-Coach.

The world renowned speaker, Rapid Transformational Therapy trainer, Marisa Peer, was also a great source of strength in my life inspiring me to feel that "I Am Enough" to bring my gifts to the world.


The best-selling author of 'Principles', and hedge-fund Billionaire Ray Dalio, one of the biggest influencers in the world believed in my dreams. His belief helped me to be brave enough to listen the Voice of God inside of me, and take big  actions of faith. In 2021, I recorded my first musical album, that was produced by the genius Daniel Natoli and mixed by the American icon Mix Engineer Michael Brauer, who received several Grammy Awards, including his work on two Albums of Coldplay – Parachutes and Viva la Vida.

I also had my models that guided me through my self-discovery journey, as Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Bono Vox, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Ivete Sangalo. I always wanted to thrive and transform people’s lives like they did with my life.



Featured snippet from the web:
Oprah's meditation practice is less about addressing anxiety and more about being still for a period of time to get in tune with your authentic self. While her meditation practice constantly evolves, she's written that she tries to consistently meditate for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. Mar 12, 2018


Featured snippet from the web:
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was the Indian guru who first met The Beatles in 1967. They became fascinated by his techniques of Transcendental Meditation, and in 1968 visited the Maharishi's spiritual training camp in Rishikesh, India.

All my studies in the last 20 years in the self-development field brought me closer to God, and it helped me to build the life that I love to live... A life that has the design of my soul. God is good! He is a God of Surprises! Open your heart for Him, and let Him Surprise you with His divine gifts for your life.

Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind". (Matthew 22:37)


That all the people of the earth may know that the LORD is God, and that there is none else. (Kings 8:60)


"We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is Love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them".

(1 John 4:16) 


"I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth". (Psalm 57:9-11)


I Love You,

my Beloved Jesus! 

The right information was given to me, and it's part of my mission to share the truth with all of you.


"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus".

(Philippians 4:6-7)

The truth will set you free and change your life forever.

By accepting Jesus as your saviour, you will be rescued from sin and spiritual slavery.

Christ Jesus said: "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free".

(John 8:32)

I am here to invite you to do what I did: surrender your life to Jesus Christ. And experience by yourself the miracles of our Miracle Worker.

It's Time to ReBorn

For True Love


In Jesus Name,


All the self-regulation techniques I teach in Joyful Minds Training helps us to detach from stressful situations and focus on the moment rather than being lost in worries, fears and doubts. And with the faith in the Lord you can surrender your life to His miracles.

And because I use the praise and worship tools in my own life and in the life of thousands of students all over the world for so many years, I know it works. If we really practice the right tools we will make them to become a stronger and positive habit in our lives.

So, it works, if we work. It’s just a matter to be committed to build the life you love and you will find the ability to remain centred and focused in your real design to become the best version of yourself. 

ReBorn For True Love, in Jesus Name, Amen!

Even being born on a Catholic family, I decided to be baptised in Jesus Name on the 5th of November of 2023, in the famous waters of Cable Beach, in Broome - Western Australia, four days before I completed 45 years. 

Come to our ReBorn Retreats in Broome, and receive the blessing of being baptised in Jesus Name.

I am so excited to share this blessed moment with you because it can change the perspective of your life forever, as transformed mine and the lives of thousands of my students worldwide.

...God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. (John 4:16) 


...If we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us. (John 4:12)

The Greatest Commandment

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbour as yourself'. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22:37-40)


The Future Glory of Zion

"Sing, barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband", says the LORD.

"Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities.

"Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.

For your Maker is your husband - the Lord Almighty is His name - the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all earth.

(Isaiah 54:1-5)

MRS JOY is Founder of Joyful Minds Training. Start your inner transformation today.

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