You Deserve to Take Care of Yourself!

Now is the time to focus on YOU and giving yourself the energy and healing necessary for you to build the life you love. This process is about learning all the things you did not learn growing up. It is time to become emotionally and mentally healthy for you to become the best version of yourself.

You are here for something greater. It’s time to unleash your superpowers and bring your gifts to the world.

Schedule a 1:1 Discovery Call

Make Your Dreams Come True.


Here are 3 Ways You Can

Start Working with MRS JOY today:

Individual Coaching Session


Individual coaching sessions are for clients that would like to book a one-time (one hour) coaching session with MRS JOY. If you are interested in gaining some clarity, receiving guidance, or tips on what specifically you are going through, then book your session now!

I want to Book My Session Now!
VIP Coaching Group 


VIP Coaching Group is a 4-Week Commitment with MRS JOY, which includes:

  • One weekly Zoom Session (1 hour in length) where we will begin working on your goals and how to move you forward.
  • 24/7 email access while you work with MRS JOY.
  • Tailored homework assignments.
  • FREE access to Cultivating Gratitude (online course).
  • 10% Off access to My Magic Secrets (online course).
Book a 1:1 Discovery Call.
Private Coaching Bundle - Best Deal


Receive all the perks of Private Coaching plus much more!

  • 6 weekly sessions (each session is an hour in length).
  • Email Access to MRS JOY throughout your time coaching.
  • Homework Assignments that are tailored specific to your goals.
  • Access to Cultivating Gratitude (online course)
  • 10% Off to My Magic Secrets (online course)
  • Downloadable access to MRS JOY's e-Book "FLY"
I Want to Start Today. Book Your Call!

Build The Life You Love

As a Coach, I am here to support you to thrive in this next phase of your life. It’s time to leave the past in the past and build your inner strengths for you to become your best. You can create anything you want to have and desire to become. Today you have a blank page to start writing a new story. It’s time to bring the best version of yourself alive. How exciting!

You dictate the type of relationship you attract next. You determine where you go from here. You are in control of your life and that is empowering!

This is your opportunity for growth and true transformation.

This is the start of a healthier and wiser version of yourself. A person that is self-loving and self-accepting. Someone that has not only Healed and Survived their past relationships but is Thriving in their new life!


"Trust in the LORD

with all our heart".

(Proverbs 3:5)


The Coaching Process


It’s About Letting Go

Recover from open wounds from your past require first bravery. And that’s why I am already proud of you. Because once you start working with me it’s a sign you made a commitment with yourself to heal, accept, forgive, let it go and move on. After all you want to start living from this present moment to build the life you love.

This sounds easy but most often this is where people stay stuck for years. They cannot get past the hurt. They struggle to accept what has happened to them and have begun repeating the same patterns over and over again that are no longer serving them but still do not know how to let it go. I know your pain. Let me help you to heal and create a life that has YOUR design.

Start Your Healing Process Now! Book a 1:1 Discovery Call.

MRS JOY’s transformational method is based in Neuroscience, Meditation, and CBT – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Have you ever heard about neuroplasticity? MRS JOY will help you to understand how you can re-wire your brain to build the life you love o live. With her Private Coaching Bundle you will have access to her Joyful Minds Training flagship online course, plus 2 more online courses for FREE. Save years of your life to get the healing you deserve. It’s time to free yourself and go from pain to love again.

MRS JOY will help you falling back in love with who you are. This is about getting to a beautiful state within yourself where you are believing in yourself, motivating yourself, valuing yourself and unconditionally loving yourself.

These are the things that will allow you to attract healthy and loving people into your life. Here is where you become mentally and emotionally stronger and healthier.

Build The Life You Love to Live! Book Now a 1:1 Discovery Call.

After healing and learning how you can re-wire your brain with MRS JOY’s rapid transformational system, it’s time to take the next step towards thriving to build the life you love. Here we begin focusing on what you want in your new life. Do you want to attract a healthy partner into your life? Do you want to change careers? Do you want to move? This is the most exciting place to be because you are in the driver's seat, and you dictate what happens next. I am looking forward to knowing about your biggest dreams. I am here to support you and motivate you to keep going to make them come true.

It's Your Time! Book a 1:1 Discovery Call.

"A new command I give to you: Love One Another". (John 13:34)